Setup Telltail Center

Center is a central place which stores the text you want to access across your devices. And as such, you'd only need install it on only one of your device. While you can and manually configure it, we have provided a convenient CLI that lets you do that without much fuss.

Download CLI

Click on the link based on the OS you have. Unless otherwise noted, all binaries are for 64 bit processor (usually this is the one that is equipped in your computer):

Once downloaded, rename the CLI program to telltail.

If you have downloaded the program for Linux or for macOS, you also need to mark it executable. Open a terminal where the program is downloaded to and do:

chmod u+x telltail

Get an Auth Key From Tailscale

Tailscale is a VPN that let's you easily connect your devices and let them talk to each other, privately. You can head over to their website and install Tailscale on each of your devices that you want to use Telltail with.

Using Tellail without Tailscale is possible, but is not supported by CLI.

Once that has setup, you can install Center in one of your devices. This device would usually be your computer that you use everyday, or a device that remains on and is easily accessible to you. Configuring Tailscale on this device is not necessary, but easy access is needed, as Center is a web server that requires an auth key from Tailscale to work, and this key expires every 90 days.

To get this auth key, head over to Tailscale's admin panel and click on Keys › Generate auth key. Enable Reusable switch and click on Generate Key to generate it. Copy this somewhere so that we can use it later.

Install Center

Note for Windows users

The commands in this page and in other pages assume that you are on Linux or macOS. But if you are using Windows, the slashes in the commands get inversed — ./telltail becomes .\telltail. Rest remains the same.

We can install Center by:

./telltail install center --auth-key <tailscale-auth-key>

In place of <tailscale-auth-key>, you would pass the auth key you obtained from Tailscale in the step just above.

Once the command finishes, you can visit https://telltail.tailnet-name in your browser to verify if it is working. You have to replace 'tailnet-name' with the one you own.

Don't know what your tailnet name is? Find about it here.

Here's how it looks like:

The website is served on HTTPS and is not available via short-name (like http://telltail/).

Last updated