Setup Telltail Sync

Sync lets you use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V (or Command+C and Command+V in macOS) to copy into and paste from the universal clipboard that Telltail provides. It is available for Linux (X11), macOS and Windows.

Assuming you have the CLI installed, you can install Sync with:

./telltail install sync --tailnet <tailnet-name> --device <my-device>
  • You would replace <tailnet-name> with the tailnet name you own, and

  • <my-device> should be replaced with a name that can uniquely identify this device. If you own few devices, naming it like windows-laptop would work fine, otherwise you can use the IP that Tailscale has assigned for your device as a name.

Once installed, you can copy any text and then open the website served by Center to see it reflected there.

Last updated